Hi! We're Sarah and Amelia,

We are two committed nonprofit badasses. 

We’ve worked together for over 15 years, doing basically every nonprofity thing you can think of. We’ve been fortunate enough to have huge successes (and some equally huge fuckups--great learning opportunities!).

We have worked with all sizes of organizations, from grassroots to government to well-established orgs. We have worked in programing, development, advocacy, and management. We've been in the trenches as employees, consultants, and board members. The nonprofits we worked with had a variety of awesome missions. Social justice, politics, nutrition, the arts, food, children--even organizations whose primary duty was to fundraise for other nonprofits. Damn, we’re exhausted just writing that.

Why have we done all this? Because we know that nonprofits are REALLY. FREAKING. IMPORTANT.

In our view, if the world had no nonprofits, the result would be catastrophic.  That might sound a bit dramatic, but hear us out: Nonprofits do all sorts of essential stuff. They feed people, heal illness, rescue animals, save the environment, fight for social justice, and teach life skills. Everyone would be worse off without nonprofits in their lives. And it’s not just nonprofits we need. The world needs effective nonprofits.

Even though we’ve known each other for basically forever, we do have differing perspectives about common nonprofit issues. These differences have allowed us to successfully navigate some challenging times. We’ll expand on this more in our blog, but we have an ongoing discussion/argument (discussument?) about what should get more attention: the process, or the people. We agree that both are important; however, we give them different priorities. Amelia prioritizes the people, while Sarah prioritizes the process. We will consistently bring both perspectives, and will point out when we disagree. Another point of tension that you’re sure to see if you stick around: Sarah’s drive for quick results versus Amelia’s focus on the journey.  It’ll be riveting.


Ready to get started?

We have sessions to help you wherever you are in your nonprofit journey!

Awesome, let's check those out!